13th Instagram is even more valuable than Facebook

Instagram is growing at an unbelievable rate. In 2017, Instagram announced that around 800 Million people use the platform each month. Their latest tool, Instagram Stories, became even more popular than Snapchat just year after going live. Since brands tend to see better engagement onInstagram than any other social media platform, and because of great advertising controls, Instagram is poised to become the go-to channels for brands who are interested in Social Media Marketing.

14th Email Marketing

Email is far from dead. Email marketing remains one of the most cost-effective forms of digital marketing and can produce excellent results if executed correctly. It’s a vibrant and powerful way to connect with your target customers. By executed a good email marketing campaign, you can ensure that you’re delivering the best message at the right time and developing an understanding of what works best for you in your sector.

15th Marketing Automation

Being certified partners of Infusionsoft, we understand the right approach to take with Marketing Automation. Many repetitive tasks such as emails, social media and other website actions can be automated by using software and tactics that allow companies to nurture prospects with highly personalised, useful content that helps convert prospects into customers, generating significant new revenue and providing excellent return on the investment required.

16th Make your landing page relevant on google AdWords

The experience users have on your landing page is the measure of how well your website gives people what they’re looking for when they click on your ad. The content on your landing page should be relevant, specific and useful.

17th Remove anything that slows down your website

Your websites speed, apart from affecting user experience, also affects how Search Engines rank your site. Any unnecessary content, excessively large images and script should be either discarded or compressed and you will notice a dramatic change in your websites performance.

18th Add personality to your SM

As well as sharing business or brand related pictures and information, always try to post content with pictures of people related to your business. This creates a positive effect on the viewers and constructs a loyal relationship. 

Interested in more Digital Marketing Tips? Check out next weeks Digital Marketing Advent Calendar post.

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