Customer perception – is yours managed?

There are a number of factors that come into play when a consumers chooses your product over competitors. Did you know that how customers perceive your product and brand is one of those factors? PR is an important tool when managing this and can seriously help you in the brand war.

PR has fought off numerous advancements and innovations in how businesses can improve consumer’s perceptions of their brand to be one of the most effective methods. Through the use of PR, companies can manage, control and influence people’s view on their brand and anything related. A positive image is a pathway to success, it’s a pathway to improving your sales or expanding your customer base. In this digital age, user-generated content is king, the more positive content you get, the better light your company is viewed in and the further your brand messages are being spread.

Just because we live in a digital age it doesn't mean more traditional forms of PR are ineffective because they are still as effective but in the online world PR can really make a difference. Online PR can ensemble a whole host of other benefits in addition to traditional PR's benefits for your business. You could benefit from a greater online presence and enhanced search rankings meaning PR can also help with your SEO. If you get your product included in online reviews on high profile blogs, Google rewards this and your SEO ranking can increase potentially leading to more customers. In addition to this, a reputable blogger who reviews your product positively will be more trusted by your customers than a customer review on your website meaning consumers perception of your product is more likely to improve.

Hopefully now you should realise the importance of PR. Content is king and it’s cost-effective as well. Using social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube or having your own personal blog is a very effective way of managing perceptions.

To discover more about how the marketing team at Ascensor can create and implement PR strategies for your online business, get in touch today!

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