Video is without a doubt the number one way for businesses and consumers to share content. According to The Content Marketing Institute, 73% of companies now use video to market their products and services and consumers now produce and share twice as many videos than they did just three years ago.

Video is so popular because of its stickiness – with multi-sensory activation, video keeps us engaged for longer. Because viewers are able to share video through social channels this combination makes video much more likely to become viral than a news article, a status update or a tweet, leading to a much longer shelf-life.  Static content just cannot match the emotional involvement that video creates in us.

Almost half of 18 to 29 year olds surveyed regularly pass and post video and so marketers have traditionally focussed their efforts on this demographic but stats indicate that now almost as many 30 to 49 year olds are regularly sharing video content, further demonstrating the power of video.

Video also enhances search engine positions, if you have video on your website then Google will favour your site in the SERP’s in like for like comparison. When people find video on a website they are much more likely to stay on the website for longer and video has been shown to enhance online conversions, according to Internet Retailer a visitor is much more likely to buy a product after viewing a video about it.

Videos can also be used across all online channels including social media, online channel marketing and PR.

Here is the Ascensor corporate video that we filmed to provide an over-view of our services. The video includes CGI and voice-over to present large amounts of information in a succinct and easy to absorb form.

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