Kick off 2017 with a successful content marketing strategy

Content marketing is the strategic process of promoting a business using an active content strategy, the phrase ‘content is king’ maybe a little over-used but the businesses that focus on content preparation and distribution are more likely to generate new interest in their business and effectively engage with new contacts. Content takes many forms from text, to imagery and video, users digest online content at a phenomenal rate and Google recognises that businesses who are producing new content that visitors engage with are more relevant than businesses that don’t.

Website content is more pivotal than the design
As a digital agency specialising in website design it is essential that the website functions well and represents the business brand, the evolution of content is very much down to the client, and with all websites a content management system allows clients to add and manage content as they see fit. The website is the framework for content, your visitors are more interested in the content that they are digesting than the website design. Good quality web design is expected and taken as a given, it is informative content that builds engagement, this is why a content strategy is vitally important for overall website success.

The web design should of course be prepared to make the content look good and focussing on content at the early stages of a new build supports the project structure, layout and navigation. The website design is still critical in terms of creating that first-impression and reflecting professionalism but it is the content that will deliver the engagement and will be the ‘driving force’ for building followers.

How to boss Content Marketing in 2017…
So what can you do to ensure that you keep the content on your website informative and engaging?

1. Benefit from the use of live video

Video will continue to be the ‘game-changer’ of 2017 as per a recent survey, the interactive platform, particularly live video has led to the highest conversion rates compared to any other content. It has long been evident that video should be incorporated into digital marketing strategies and as we now see through social media channels ‘live’ posts are going to become even more widely used by businesses looking to demonstrate technological prowess and build fans.

2. Content Relevance

Content must be original and relevant to a specific search phrase for it rank well in Google, content should have a purpose and relevance and link to other relevant posts. Aim to bring unique value starting from blog posts and encourage sharing – demonstrating to Google that the content you put out is interacted with, demonstrates that you are a knowledge leader and have something relevant to say – this will help your pages to rank better for those subjects. Longer posts that include a variety of content types are deemed to be more engaging, ensuring that content is broken up with logical headings and calls to action is the best way to get value out of the work you put in.

3. Content Recommendation Platforms

Content Recommendation Platforms show visitors content that is relevant to them, using a variety of determinant factors and algorithms to show information that is more likely to fit their profile and prior activity. Like marketing automation has transformed email marketing, CRP’s increase click through rates because of their relevance and so preparing your content with focus will help your content to become authoritative in these environments.

4. Content Distribution

Sharing your content through social media channels with links back to your website, allowing users to share your content through their channels and getting involved in online discussions are just a few of the ways that you can get your content out there. Preparing content can be a bug-bear for many businesses but after it is done, too often it sits and doesn’t generate any value for the business. Applying some very basic principles around sharing is the first stage in building authority around the web pages that it sits on before a more formal content marketing strategy can be positioned to actively distribute knowledge based materials.

We can help with content marketing strategy, content preparation and digital marketing including search engine optimisation. Contact our digital agency in Leeds to discuss how we can help you build.

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